This is part of our new bookish blends! Based on a specific protagonist of a hit fantasy series. Not affiliated so IKYK. It also just tastes great so you don't have to know anything about the book to enjoy it! Smoked black tea is the base for this but it is rounded out with nettle. Lemon verbena and jasmine really push the flavors into the floral/fruity zone resulting in a complex blend with a refreshign top note and deep base.
Flavor Profile: citrus, floral, smoke
Blend Notes: I absolutely love when very detailed smell descriptors are used in books for people and places. SJM is so prolific with this so any time these descriptors are used I'm always paying close attention. This character's smell descriptor being jasmine, lemon verbena, and crackling embers is just so enticing so I knew I had to put a blend together. I knew I wanted to use smoked black tea and safflower petals to represent the crackling embers, and I paired it with stinging nettle to represent the strong female protagnist the blend is based on. Finding the correct ratio of jasmine and lemon verbena was crucial, and the result is something I'm really proud of where each element can shine on it's own but also blends so well together.
- Smoked Black Tea
- Lemon Verbena
- Jasmine
- Nettle
- Safflower
- Natural Jasmine Flavor
Tin: 15 tea bags - Net wt .79oz (22.5g)
Resealable Bag: 30 tea bags - Net wt 1.58oz (45g)
Sample: 3 tea bags - Net wt .16oz (4.5g)
Fill a kettle with fresh, cold water and bring it to a boil.
While the water is heating, place the tea bag in a mug or teapot.
Once the water has reached a boil, carefully pour it over the tea bag.
Allow the tea to steep for 3-5 minutes, or until it has reached your desired strength.
Remove the tea bag and discard it.
If desired, add any sweeteners or milk to your tea.
Tea is a natural and enjoyable beverage, but it is important to consult with your physician before consuming it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have any concerns or questions about the suitability of this product for your individual needs, please consult with your physician.